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Předběžná rezervace školního pořadu


Mimořádná akce 


Universe 3D
100 CZK
Suitable for the public

Let’s play ancient explorers. Those who took courage and sailed the open oceans to discover places no one had seen before. What you will see is the result of human studies of the universe. No superstitions but science in its purest form. We are the people of modern times. The sky has filled up with equations and technical symbols.
We know very well that the universe is very old. It emerged some 14 billion years ago. And that the universe is very large, too. So large that human affairs seem insignificant next to it. Universe 3D is a unique expedition to places one would never reach in any other way.

digitárium - školní pořad pod hvězdnou oblohou
cena: 80


ZŠ Černá Hora, 14-15 let (30 míst)
zbývající kapacita: 150 míst

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